So you made it to the mat… or the gym, the spin studio, the barre class. Congrats! The hardest part is
deciding to get your body moving, and actually doing it. But what happens when we get there and we’re not feeling
like giving it our all? It definitely happens to all of us. Here are some tips to help combat this feeling so you can get
the MOST out of your workout.

When it comes to seeing results, we all know it’s important to be consistent. However, if we don’t take breaks we
won’t get very far. Not only do we need breaks for physical results, but mental ones too. In order to stay moving for
the long run (and avoid injury) our bodies need adequate recovery time. Every body is different, so take note of how
you feel. If you’re planning on hitting the gym eight days in a row with no breaks and are stuck wondering why you
can’t push through it, burnout could very well be your problem! Trust us, once you take a break, your body will feel
much more prepared (and excited) for that next sweat.
Remember that you are moving for YOU. You are committing to giving your body the attention it deserves, and
bettering yourself across the board. Think about how much better you will feel better after you move. Whether it’s a
short walk, a yoga session or a boxing class – it all contributes to that feeling. The feeling of accomplishment we
carry with us the rest of the day, endorphins, better sleep + improved physical AND mental health.
Sleep is NOT underrated. We must get adequate sleep first and foremost. If you had a couple nights of uneasy rest,
make sure to get that in line before hitting the gym. Our bodies do not function at their peak if we don’t sleep enough
and that can lead to a lower immune system, slowed metabolism and exhaustion.
You all know we are suckers for a good set – and not only because they look great in pictures, but because when you
feel good, you’re more likely to work harder! So let’s introduce you to the latest + greatest from Under Armour
Women: the Rush No-Slip Waistband Leggings (which have a double-sided silicone print inside a wide, super-
soft waistband to finally keep your pants from slipping, sagging and gapping as you move) and the Infinity Bra
(offers ergonomic support, better breathability and a flexible fit). This set keeps up with you while you’re crushing
your workouts (no more stopping mid workout several times to adjust) and has you looking your best while you’re at
Intermittent fasting is trendy at the moment, but it does not mean it’s necessarily right for you. We are big believers
in breakfast and eating consistently to get the fuel we need to help us move through the day! This looks different for
everyone – and listening to your body is KEY. You wouldn’t be able to start your car without gas, so when you’re low
on fuel yourself, you won’t be able to power through that workout.
You made it to the mat, now congratulate yourself! It might sound silly, but praising ourselves for the smallest
accomplishments encourages us to keep going. Our brains respond well to positive reinforcement, so tell yourself
what a BOSS you are for giving yourself the time to workout!
Nothing like a good playlist to get you hyped for a workout. In need of one? Check out ours on Spotify. Even if you
aren’t doing a solo workout and you’re part of a class, it’s always good to listen to music to hype you up prior to
getting to the studio!
What are some of your best tips?