Alarming stat for you: 80% of New Year’s resolutions are broken by February 1!
We want to turn this around, so we’ve partnered with Tampax Pearl Active ( the best workout-ready tampon) to challenge you to #GetInMotion with us this February and reach those 2018 fitness goals!
What this means…
It takes 21 days to build a habit, and there are conveniently about 28 days in your menstrual cycle!
Our challenge: workout every day for the rest of this month, trying different types of workouts to fit your day: this means everything from brisk daily walks to high-intensity cardio classes (we don’t discriminate!) This means you’ll be active even when on your period, so you don’t break the cycle!
Here’s How To Stay In Motion :
(When It’s Your Time of The Month)
1. Select the right workout!
Maybe you just need a good stretch to help with your cramps, or, dancing gets your mind off the misery: everyBODY is different, especially during that time of the month. Studies have shown significant improvement in PMS and menstrual pains when women maintain an active lifestyle during their periods. Exercise releases endorphins, and can even reduce pain from periods (sometimes even better than over the counter meds!) If you find that you have trouble trouble motivating to work out during your period, here are some suggestions:
- (This may sound basic but…) Walking: If its too painful to run, or you’re newly exercising during this time, start with a simple walk. Fresh air is sometimes just what you need, and walking is just about as low impact as it can get while on your feet. Our rec: meet a girlfriend 2 miles away for a juice — win win!
- Yoga: Cobra, cat and fish pose — these are all moves that can significantly reduced intensity and duration of pain during menstruation. Studios we love: Yoga Spark + Y7 Yoga (if you’re craving a SWEAT).
- Dancing: Sometimes distraction + fun is the move! We find dance cardio to be amazing for this. Try: 305 Fitness, Megan Roup, Tracy Anderson or Body by Simone.
2. Reduce period pains!
For most, some form of discomfort is inevitable during this time. Here are our top ways to minimize this pain, so you can #GetInMotion!
Use a heating pad: we have an amazing lavender rice pad that we heat up in the microwave, and it seriously reduces pain + bloating. Pop on your favorite show and simply relax.
Avoid bloat-causing foods: ain’t got time for added bloat! Alcohol, caffeine (this is tough one for us) and salty foods are the main things we avoid. RIP sushi.
Eat the right foods: Firstly, despite potential extreme cravings, try to eat as clean as you can. Two portable, easy-to-find foods that help us: pumpkin seeds & chia seeds. Just one ounce of pumpkin seeds gives you 75% of your daily magnesium, helping you feel more positive, warding off water retention, and aiding with headaches. Chia seeds, which are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, allow serotonin to pass through the cell membrane, making it’s affect stronger. We also love chamomile tea and ginger shots!
Drink your water: a lot of people avoid drinking water during their period because they believe it causes bloating, but this is NOT the case! Drinking water will actually decrease your chances of water retention, which in turn decreases bloat + makes cramps less painful.
3. Stay protected!
Don’t let fear of leaks keep you from moving! Tampax Pearl Active tampons provide you with up to100% leak-free workouts! If you’re anything like us, you make multiple pharmacy runs per week … Our go-to spot for this is CVS. They have an amazing selection, and there is ALWAYS one near by. Or, if you’re into buying your tampons online, check out this link. We recommend buying the box that includes multiple absorbencies: this way you are protected from your heaviest days to your lightest, and, you can ALWAYS #GetInMotion.