Description: Classic style barre – reliable and solid workout! Lots of small, pulsing & repetitive movements to tone & sculpt. Focuses a lot on abs, glutes, thighs & arms
Description: These sessions use EMS (electrical muscle stimulation) that pulse/contract your body through a special suit. Your muscles will be hyperactivated as you go through a series of exercises – you’ll feel contractions intensifying during your workout
Description: This class has a very similar format to Soulcycle. Most of the time is spent riding to the beat of the music (with choreography like “tapping it back” … wonder where they heard that, lol) a short arm intermission, followed by a few final songs you’ll ride to
Description: A classic mat pilates, done in a room with heated infrared lights. The class uses props like light weights, a pilates ring and bands to sculpt and tone the body.
Description: Takes a reformer workout to the next level (not to be confused with Megaformer). This machine is a combo of the classic reformer + chair. You’ll find the routine & transitions in this class to be faster paced than your typical pilates class
Description: Reformer pilates class that’s majorly focused on abdominal moves, but is a full body workout. You’ll alternate through many positions on the reformer and props like weights, a box and more